Happy and Healthy Children where vulnerable children’s rights to education and health are promoted and protected for inclusive development..
(OEPESD TABARA) is a national Non-Government Organization, registered under Rwanda Governance Board with legal personality N˚ 51/11 of 04/05/2004. The Organization was first recognized as a non-profit association in 2004 by the Ministerial Decree N° 51/11 of the 04/05/2004 with the mission of promoting the wellbeing of uncared and other vulnerable children through social and civic integration. In 2013, the organization underwent institutional restructuring to comply with the existing law in the country
Since 11/12/2013, OEPESD TABARA is legally operating in Rwanda as non-government organization that has fulfilled all requirement for compliance with the new law number 04/12 of 17/02/2012 governing the organization and the functioning of national non-governmental organizations.
Since its creation, OEPESD TABARA has been involved in both humanitarian and development assistance to support children and other people under critical circumstances including orphans, children with disabilities and those from poor families..
People from families were are currently supporting have showed appreciation and joy, Not to mention also local governmnet leaders who also noticed our impact.
"We are very thankful to our sponsors who gave us traditional dancing equipment, now we can make a living for us and our children"
"We were able to get shoes, clothes, drums we practice on a daily basis while also making money to sustain our families were are very thankful."
"Our health has emproved significantly due to educational programs and activities we get from OEPESD TABARA."